Ionic解决Could not read build file capacitor/build.gradle as it does notexist.问题

Ionic 项目以前运行的好好的,今天编译 android 突然出现以下报错。

A problem occured configuring project ':capacitor android'.
> Could not read build file '/Users/ado/my/work/h5/ionic_demo/node_modules/@capacitor/android/capacitor/build.gradle' as it does not exist.

* Try:
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insigns.

* Exception is:
org.gradle.api.ProjectConfigurationException: A problem occured configuring project ':capacitor android'.<1111 internal calls>
Caused by: org.gradle.api.resource.MissingResourceException: Could not read build file '/Users/ado/my/work/h5/ionic_demo/node_modules/@capacitor/android/capacitor/build.gradle' as it does not exist.
	...107 more


首先检查 node_module 中的 android 模块的build.gradle是否存在,如果确实存在,只能重新生成。

  • 删除 node_module 中的@capacitor依赖库。
  • 使用命令npm install @capacitor/core @capacitor/cli重新生成@capacitor目录
  • 在 Android Studio 中关闭项目,返回到 Welcome 的界面。将项目从左侧列表中移除,然后点击右侧的 Open an Existing Project 重新打开项目,再次编译就能正常识别build.gralde了。

Ionic 解决 Could not read build file capacitor/build.gradle as it does notexist.问题




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码云笔记 » Ionic解决Could not read build file capacitor/build.gradle as it does notexist.问题
